Important annoucement: New Chapter Loading…


It's time to say goodbye. 

After almost a decade of growth, memories and experiences in Dovercourt House, Araguacu would like to announce to the community that as of October 2024, we will no longer be operating out of Dovercourt House. 

September will be our final month in the studio space, and we want to thank all of those who made these years possible. 

From classes, to workshops, to events, Dovercourt has been the place we called home for years, and it has housed so many exceptional, successful and incredible Araguacu events. Araguacu has felt synonymous with Dovercourt in many ways over the years. 

It has been a space where we have established friendships, built connections, and created a community with a family vibe and atmosphere that many of you are still a part of today. So many generations of Araguacu frequented this space, and experienced new levels of growth, friendships and learning, and we are extremely grateful for our time there. 

This is the end of a chapter, but the start of a new one, and we are excited to share what's next for the company and our beloved community.

Araguacu is not closing it’s doors, but working diligently for the next phase of our growth, development and community building. It’s time to call a new space, home!

What does this mean for our community of students, dancers and friends?

  1. Our website is being updated to reflect our BRAND NEW class offerings for the month of September. We have some new and exciting instructors, and have updated our class syllabus to give you a taste of what's to come.

  2. All new memberships purchased will need to be used up during the month of September, and only class passes and a special discounted monthly membership will be sold for use that month. 

    Passes purchased by September 1st, will need to be activated and used up by September 26th, otherwise, it will be placed on hold for the month of October.

    The discounted pass only applies to September, so you cannot purchase it to be used at a later date.

    Available passes for the month of September:

    Single and 5 class passes

    Unlimited monthly membership on sale for the month of September only: $110

  3. We will reopen as of November 2024, and will be reinstating all current memberships, so that you can pick up where you left off. No refunds will be honored during this time.

  4. Our final event at Dovercourt will be our 4-Hour Bachata Intensive happening on September 29th. Please be sure to join us for this final Bachata send off to our Dovercourt home!


  5. During our transition month of October we will be offering some really exciting pop workshops, projects, and intensives, so that we can keep the learning going, and give you all the opportunity to learn from our instructors. Stay tuned for all announcements so that you can experience a taste of the energy we will be bringing to the next chapter! ️ 

Thank you to everyone who has supported Araguacu throughout the years in the Dovercourt space. It's thanks to you that the space felt like a home with memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

We are excited to share what’s next, but in the meantime, we will see you in class! 🥑💚